Join Zumba Kids – Exercise helps kids do better in school!
It’s proven that kids who exercise do better in school! Read more…

Nexplore exhibits at OSTI-CON 2016!
Come visit our booth at OSTI-CON 2016 in Austin to see how Nexplore can bring a fun, new twist to your after school programs in 2016-17!

Nexplore Presents at SAES Early Learning Conference
Nexplore presented Nexplore Games and Zumba Kids at Southwestern Association of Episcopal School’s Early Learning Conference in Houston, TX. It was
such a treat to share our methodology and programs with SAES schools and Early Learning Professionals!

Benefits of “process praise”
Nexplore celebrates the PROCESS and EFFORTS of children as we develop 21st century life skills. What a great article on encouraging “process praise” to build motivation and endurance in young people. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/9862693/Praise-childrens-effort-not-their-intelligence.html

“I’m bored.” SOLUTION
Great article on promoting creativity and innovation in children! http://www.drvanessalapointe.com/perfect-reaction-im-bored-nothing/

Happy After School Professionals Appreciation Week!
Thank you to all of the wonderful After School Directors and Staff that we work with to bring Nexplore programs to your sites! We appreciate all that you do!

Nexplore Games Workshop at Oakridge School (Arlington, TX)
Today we hosted The Art of Playing Workshop at The Oakridge School in Arlington, TX. We thank Oakridge for the opportunity to share the Nexplore Games Methodology to PLAY-LEARN-APPLY to teach invaluable 21st century life skills to students! We look forward to successful summer camps and continued growth of our after school collaboration!

Nexplore exhibits at NCAA Convention 2016!
Nexplore is exhibiting at the National Catholic Educational Association in sunny San Diego, CA. Come on by and check out some of our NEW games and learn how Nexplore Educational Enrichments can COME TO YOUR SCHOOL!

Studies show benefits of PLAY-based learning
According to recent studies, play-based learning leads to creativity, problem-solving and empathy! Nexplore Games offers a holistic, hands-on approach that empowers children to learn relevant skills that will prepare them for success in the real world. Check out the article:

Nexplore is now a National AfterSchool Association Member!
After a successful Convention, Nexplore is proud to join the National AfterSchool Association as an Advocate Member.