Nexplore will be the Key Note Speaker at SAES Early Learning Conference!
Nexplore is excited to announce that we will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES) Early Learning Conference on June 16, 2016 in Houston, TX.
During the workshop, attendees will…
– Learn Nexplore’s mission, philiosophy, and educational rationale of using enrichmnent to educate the WHOLE child.
– Explore the Nexplore Games methodology of using mind and strategy games to teach 21st century skills, with an emphasis on early childhood domains.
– Explore Zumba Kids®, Jr. movement activities and their benefits on early childhood development.
– Learn activities, strategies and methodologies to incorporate in daily childhood development.
We look forward to continue our work with SAES and hope to see many new and familiar faces at the conference!