Nexplore Quidditch
Quidditch, also known as quadball, is a sport of two teams of seven players each mounted on a broomstick, and is played on a hockey rink-sized pitch. The sport was created in 2005 at Middlebury College in Vermont, and was inspired by the fictional game Quidditch in the Harry Potter books by author J. K. Rowling.
In contrast with the books, in which the pitch is oval, the quadball pitch is rectangular 60 by 36 yards (55 by 33 m) with 3 hoops of varying heights at either end. The ultimate goal is to have more points than the other team by the time the snitch, a tennis ball inside a long sock hanging from the shorts of an impartial official dressed in yellow, is caught. Rules of the sport are governed by the International Quadball Association (the IQA)
After beginning in 2005, the sport grew to the point where, in 2007, the first Quidditch World Cup took place with Middlebury taking the place of the top team. Since then, there was a World Cup within the United States, where collegiate and community teams would compete to be the best team.
Each match begins with six of the starting players (excluding the seekers) along the starting line within their keeper zone with brooms on the ground and the four balls lined in the center of the pitch. The head referee then calls “brooms up!” at which players run to gain possession of the balls.[23] The snitch goes on the field at 17 minutes, and the seekers are released at 18 minutes.
The play runs rapidly, with quick change-of-hands of the quaffle, because every goal (each being worth 10 points) scored against a team gives that team the ball. Once a point is scored, the quaffle must be given to the other team’s keeper, and almost immediately returns to the offensive[25] with the chasers returning to their keeper zone or proper side of the pitch;[26] beaters are not bound to return to their side of the pitch nor exit the opposing team’s keeper zone at any point.[27] Games can last any length of time longer than 18 minutes, depending on the skill and endurance of the seekers and snitch.
The game ends after the snitch has been caught through what is called a clean catch. The team that caught the snitch is awarded 30 points, regardless if they are winning or losing the game.[28] The winner is determined not by the snitch catch, but by the number of points earned throughout the entirety of the game. Depending on the score teams will delay the snitch catch to better their chances of winning.
The game is played with six standing hoops, three on each side of a square pitch. Each player must hold a broomstick between their legs. There are three different types of balls in play, and five in total: the quaffle, three bludgers, and the snitch.
Probably the most iconic piece of equipment for quidditch.9] The player must stay mounted on their broomstick for every moment of play unless they have been hit with a bludger, in which case the player needs to dismount from their broom and return to their hoops.[30] To be mounted on the broomstick means that the player must hold the broom between their legs and not have it fully on the ground. It can be supported by their thighs or hands equally, just as long as it is not attached to their person nor fully resting on the ground. Because it is a handicap, sometimes players do not play with the brooms.
Players can substitute a variety of objects for brooms depending on the level of seriousness. Many teams play on PVC pipes of about 3 feet or 1 meter in length.
Three hoops are placed on either side of the pitch of differing heights (3 ft or 0.91 m, 4.5 ft or 1.4 m and 6 ft or 1.8 m), placed two broomsticks apart (92 in or 2.3 m).[31] Chasers and keepers can score by throwing the quaffle through any one of the hoops, from either front or back, gaining ten points for their team per score. Any player experiencing a knock-out effect from either dismounting their broomstick or getting hit with a bludger must touch with any part of their body excluding the broom or any one of their hoops before returning to play.
The quaffle is a slightly deflated regulation volleyball that can only be manipulated by chasers or keepers. Used for scoring, it may pass through any hoop from either side. Regardless of which team caused the quaffle to pass through the hoop, as long as it is in play, a goal is scored against the team whose hoop was scored upon, which is counted to be 10 points.
The bludger is a slightly deflated dodgeball that can only be manipulated by beaters. At any given time there are four beaters in play, but only three bludgers. The bludgers are used to hit any other player on the field. Upon being hit by a bludger previously in the possession of an opposing beater, the player suffers the knockout effect. This means they must dismount their broom, drop any ball that they may have been carrying, and touch their team’s hoops before resuming play. There is no friendly fire, meaning that bludgers thrown by beaters cannot affect any of their teammates
The snitch is a tennis ball placed at the bottom of a long yellow pouch that is attached to the back of the snitch runner’s shorts as if it were a tail. The snitch runner may do everything in their power to protect the snitch from being caught by seekers, for example pushing, running, or even throwing the player’s broom away. Only seekers may make advances towards the snitch or the snitch runner, and no forceful contact with the snitch runner is allowed. If the snitch is not caught within a certain period of time, a series of handicaps go into effect against the runner to limit their freedom of movement, one at a time. In most leagues, the game ends when one of the seekers grabs the snitch, awarding 30 points to their team