
We believe in the following core values, which are at the foundation of everything we do:

Joy of Learning

We believe that when you learn what you love, you will love to learn. When driven by a spark of passion, learning itself becomes a joyful, lifelong journey.

Pursuit of Excellence

We are committed to pushing the limit, growing our skills, and iterating toward success in all that we do. Driven to better our world, we feel that glass ceilings are meant to be broken.

Enrichment for All

We believe all students deserve access to high-quality enrichment opportunities and proudly partner with like-minded educators to make this reality.

Collaborate - Innovate

We are stronger together. When various stakeholders come together in service of students, we can change the enrichment landscape.

Customer Obsession

We are relentlessly committed to our customers. Striving to be the #1 enrichment service provider, we uphold operational excellence through effective communication, cutting edge programming, innovative software solutions, and dedication to program success. We earn and keep our customer's trust.

Think Big - Be Bold

We embrace a "Yes, we can!" attitude. Growing from a local one program operation in South Florida to a national 50+ program service provider, we know that when we put our minds to it, anything is possible. We remind ourselves daily not to let doubt get in the way of big dreams.

Master of Pivoting

We bring a fierce passion to deliver the highest quality service to our students and communities. We prepare, plan, and partner AND we maintain vigilance in execution. Through the "art of pivoting," we are attentive enough, creative enough, and fast enough to find solutions and pave paths to guarantee our success.


We foster a love of learning in all of our students through hands-on experiences designed to inspire and empower their natural curiosity. We are committed to offering a diverse range of learning opportunities where students can explore their aptitutes, passions and strengthen core Life Skills needed to thrive in the 21st century. This includes:

Critical thinking, problem-solving and logical reasoning.
Intrapersonal and interpersonal social skills
Emotional awareness and management
Creative thinking and innovation
Physical health and fitness
Cultural understanding, global awareness, and respect for humankind


Nexplore's evidence-based approach to enrichment draws upon the expertise of many educational theorists. Each Nexplore experience is grounded in principles that empower all students and make learning a joy.


As Abraham Maslow’s theory of “self-actualization” suggests, a holistic approach to education empowers the individual to develop their intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative, and spiritual potential. Because Nexplore programs are hands-on, interactive, and diverse, students explore and develop all aspects of their being.

Nandish V. Patel's Holistic Approach to Learning and Teaching Interaction "aims to make learning a process of self-improvement that explicitly recognizes the self and the social context of learning and teaching, and recognizes the needs of the individual learner in the interaction.” Through engaging enrichment, Nexplore students find their unique passions and strengthen their capacity and desire to learn.


Aristotle once said, “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” Daniel Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory also supports the idea of learning through experience. Nexplore's project-based programs ignite inquiry while students learning by doing.


John Dewey emphasized the importance of education being grounded in real experiences, which allow children to think for themselves and articulate their experiences. Nexplore experiences cultivate action-oriented learning. In a Nexplore classroom, students are moving, creating, analyzing, iterating, discussing, and applying.


Aligned with the Center for Public Education, Nexplore partners with educators to intentionally allocate enrichment resources and opportunities according to need, empowering all students with access to high-quality, culturally and linguistically responsive learning experiences.

Nexplore's holistic, hands-on programming empowers all children with the skills and mindsets to be lifelong learners.